The ASHDA Studbook

The ASHDA Studbook shows all of the currently registered and Approved ASHDA horses. It is a great point of reference for those looking to research the breed bloodlines. Extended information can be requested from the registry including test results, extended pedigree, owner, breeder and progeny reports. The only way for a horse to be considered a Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse is to have papers with ASHDA or with ASHDA's predecessor, the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse and Stonewall Sport Horse Registry maintained by Everett Smith. When in doubt of a horse's registration, check our registration books below. If you cannot find the horse in question, please double check with us. There are only a few (less than 5) horses from the original registry that are believed to be alive and do not also have ASHDA papers, though the registry does still keep tabs on these horses, who owns them, and their locations.

We are very proud for what we have accomplished in just a few years. Most breeds just starting out do not have the conformational and genetic restrictions in place that ASHDA has and some of the biggest breeds in the USA have not accomplished in their first ten years, with far less restrictions on stock, what we have in just three. Our progress is visible just by reading down the list of registered horses, and we are thrilled with every addition!


Registration Designations:

E - E-designation, a Main Book horse that goes back to founding bloodlines used in Everett Smith's original program. These horses are registered in the Main Book.

# - Standard Main Book designation, this horse has two registered or approved parents, or is a gelding accepted for Hardship.

I - Improvement designation, this is an outside draft horse or draft cross of at least 50% draft breeding that has been reviewed on conformation and genetic testing and passed the requirements to be registered as breeding stock, they are registered in the Main Book.

N - Non-Breeding designation, generally assigned to Hardshipped mares that do not meet the requirements for Improvement registration, or LP geldings of non-ASHDA breeding that do not meet our genetic testing or heritage requirements. N designations may also be assigned to foals of horses who no longer meet our breeding requirements for genetic testing, and which the foal is either untested for or positive for a defect no longer accepted. In cases like this, the N will appear at the end of the registration number instead of at the front. N designation horses are registered in the Main Book.

H - Heritage Designation, an ASHDA Part Bred horse that has one parent registered in ASHDA or the original Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse and Stonewall Sport Horse Registry maintained by Everett Smith. For a very short time, horses with one parent in SDHR were accepted into the Heritage books, but this is no longer the case. Some H designation horses can be approved to breed into the Main Book, and must meet the same genetic, pedigree, and conformational requirements as Approved Cross and Improvement horses to obtain breeding rights. H designation horses are registered in the Heritage Book.

AC - Approved Cross, these horses are not registered with ASHDA but when crossed with another registered or AC horse, may produce a registered foal, so long as draft percentage requirements are met. Approved Crosses are usually one of our approved outcross breeds: Percheron, Belgian, Stonewall Sport Horse, American Cream Draft, Shire, Clydesdale, Suffolk Punch, Appaloosa, Quarter Horse, or Knabstrupper, but may also be a combination of the aforementioned breeds under certain circumstances. Previously, Friesians were an acceptable outcross breed, but they have been removed as such due to the two main registries insistance that they are not a draft breed.

Breed Acronyms and Abbreviations in use by ASHDA:

ASHDA - American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse

SHDHR - The original Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse Registry maintained by Everett Smith and which ASHDA is a continuation of

SSB - The original Stonewall Stud Book maintained by Mike Muir of Access Adventures. Only horses which have heritage comprised of ASHDA allowed breeds may be submitted.

PHAA - Percheron Horse Association of America

Perch - Unregistered/Grade Percheron

CBUSA - Clydesdale Breeders of the USA

Clyde - Unregistered/Grade Clydesdale

BDHCA - Belgian Draft Horse Corporation of America

Belg - Unregistered/Grade Belgian Draft

ASHA - American Shire Horse Assoc.

Shire - Unregistered/Grade Shire

SHS/NASHA - Suffolk Horse Society or North American Suffolk Horse Association

Punch - Grade/Unregistered Suffolk Punch

ApHC - Appaloosa Horse Club. ApHC Appaloosas must have at least one regular registry ApHC parent, with the other parent permitted to be ApHC Non-Colored, AQHA, JC, or AHA.

App - Unregistered/Grade Appaloosa

Allowed breed Heritage:

The following breeds are found in two of our composite approved breeds, the Appaloosa and the Stonewall Sport Horse. While individuals purely of these breeds may not submit for Approval with ASHDA, an otherwise qualified horse submitting for Approval, Registration, or Main Book Approval (Heritage) which carries these breeds as part of their pedigree will not be disqualified. AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association

QH - Unregistered/Grade Quarter Horse - The Quarter Horse was struck from ASHDA Approval in 2022, however remains an acceptable component breed in Appaloosa and draft cross applicants for Approval, Improvement and Hardship horses as well as Heritage horses seeking Main Book Approval.

JC - Jockey Club

TB - Unregistered/Grade Thoroughbred

AHA - Arabian Horse Association

Ara - Unregistered/Grade Arabian Horse

Acronyms no longer in use:

SDHR - The Sugarbush Draft Horse Registry, now called the "Sendera" Draft Horse Registry, unaffiliated with ASHDA or the original SHDHR. ASHDA allowed horses with SDHR papers to acquire registration with ASHDA as a show of good faith to the Sugarbush Draft community for a very limited window of time when the books were first opened. Despite our past allowances, SDHR is not considered an acceptable outcross registry. Sendera allows several breeds and pinto markings which are fully disallowed by ASHDA into their gene pool.

KFPS/FHANA - The two main branches of the Friesian registry. Friesians were removed from our approved outcross list in 2017, after contact with the registries revealed that neither views the breed as a draft breed. Friesians and their crosses are no longer accepted as Improvement or Approved Cross horses, but like most unapproved breeds, may be crossed to registered ASHDA horses for Heritage Book foals. The few friesian-bred horses in the ASHDA studbooks retain their breeding rights as normal ASHDA horses. Friesian bred horses are also no longer eligible for Hardship registration, as they are not considered to be draft.

ApSHA - The original Appaloosa Sport Horse Association, now defunct and absorbed by American Warmblood Society

ACDHA/Cream - The American Cream Draft Horse Association. The American Cream Draft was struck from the ASHDA Approved Breed listing in 2021. Horses with known or suspected American Cream Draft heritage are barred from seeking ASHDA Approval or Registration except through Heritage (H) or Hardship Non-breeding (N-Designation) registration. Heritage horses carrying Non-ASHDA American Cream Draft breeding may not seeking Main Book Approval.

ABA/Brab - The American Brabant Association. Brabants were struck from the ASHDA Approved Breed listing in 2022. Horses with known or suspected Brabant heritage are barred from seeking ASHDA Approval or Registration except through Heritage (H) or Hardship Non-breeding (N-Designation) registration. Heritage horses carrying Non-ASHDA Brabant breeding may not seeking Main Book Approval.

KNN/Knab - The Knabstrupperforeningen For Denmark. The Knabstrupper was struck from the ASHDA Approved Breed listing in 2022. Horses with known or suspected Knabstrupper heritage are barred from seeking ASHDA Approval or Registration except through Heritage (H) or Hardship Non-breeding (N-Designation) registration. Heritage horses carrying Non-ASHDA Knabstrupper breeding may not seeking Main Book Approval.

Disallowed breeds:

The following breeds may not produce a registered ASHDA foal, either in the Main Book or Heritage book. Crossing one to a registered ASHDA horse will produce a foal which cannot achieve registration under any circumstances. This includes horses of different origin breeds which get dual registration with the following breeds.

Gypsy Cob/Vanner
Spotted Saddle Horse
Spotted Draft Horse
Drum Horse
As well as the above registered breeds, any horse of any breed or combination of breeds that expresses non-LP white past our registration restrictions may not produce a registered foal, nor can any horse which is Grey. This includes horses that are registered in one of our approved outcross breeds.