Photo Shows

In recognition of ASHDA's 10th Anniversary and the 25th Anniversary of the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft breed, ASHDA is hosting its very first ever NATIONAL SHOW!


Horses must be registered or approved to compete, and are limited to competing in the classes designated for their registration category. Horses of all ages are welcome to compete in this show!

The 2021-2024 Junior classes will the equivalent of our usual Futurity classes and will be open to Colts and Fillies of each respective year with overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champions.

The Stallions and Mares classes are for Main Book registered mares/stallions of the following designations: E, # and I. Stallions and Mares in Conformation will be judged again for Overall Grand/Reserve.

The Non-Breeding classes are for Main Book registered E, #, or N Designation Geldings and N Designation Mares. A minimum of 3 entries can result in a split based on registry designation (Regular Registry E/# vs N-Designation). If there is a single class split based on registry designation (E/# vs N), there will be no Grand and Reserve as the first and second place horses in the Regular Registry Gelding class will be awarded the titles of Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Gelding. 3 N Designation Mare entries will allow for a possible/additional split into a Non-Breeding Mares division. In the event of a three way split (Gelding, N Designation Gelding and N Designation Mares), N-Designation Geldings and Mares will be judged again to determine a Non-Breeding Grand and Reserve Champion.

The Heritage classes are for Heritage registered H designation horses of any sex. A minimum of 3 entries in any of these classes can result in a split on sex (mare/stallion/gelding) or age (aged/junior). Class splits will be determined by which parameters are met first (if three junior entries are submitted before three mare, stallion, or gelding entries are submitted, then a class will be split into Aged and Junior, with a further three aged mare/stallion/gelding entries required to split off a Stallions, Mares, or Geldings class). If there are class splits, the 1st Place and 2nd Place horses in each Aged Heritage Conformation class will be judged again and placed for Heritage Grand/Reserve. Should a Junior split occur, there will likewise be a Grand and Reserve for them.

The AC classes are for Approved Cross AC designation stallions and mares. A minimum of 3 entries in any of these classes can result in a split on type (heavy/light) or sex (mare/stallion) and will be determined by which category is met first. If there are class splits, the 1st Place horses in each AC Conformation class will be judged again and placed for AC Grand/Reserve.

The Junior Suitability classes of each division are for horses aged 3 years and under of each division. 3 entries of a specific year group will split the divisions further, which can result in Weanling, Yearling, and 2 Y/O classes. Any classes added will see their 1st place entry qualify for the Junior Grand and Reserve of that division.

Get of Sire and Produce of Dam classes. To enter you will need to submit conformation entries for multiple horses that share an ASHDA parent. This may require you to work with other owners in order to get the required photos. For Get of Sire, you will need 3 entries, and for Produce of Dam, you will need 2. These batches of offspring will be compared and the group that is overall better representatives of the breed standard will win. These classes are the only occasion in which photos may be reused, as you will be allowed to enter the same conformation photos in both that horse's individual class and the offspring grouping class. Such as, a yearling mare could be entered in Conformation Junior Mares and Produce of Dam - Main Book alongside a maternal sibling with the same set of photos. However, a horse may not be entered in both Get of Sire AND Produce of Dam, you will have to choose one or the other! Offspring can be any age from born this year to elderly, as long as they share a registered ASHDA parent and are registered themselves. Heritage and Main Book entries may be submitted, but "N" Designation entries are not permitted for entries in these classes, as the point of the class is to reward the Stallion or Mare who has produced the best group of breeding quality foals. Geldings are permitted, so long as they are not N Designation.

The Breeding Program Class. Like Get of Sire and Produce of Dam, this class requires multiple horses to be entered. The class requires One Stallion and Three mares each aged 2 Years and Up. The horses do not have to have produced an ASHDA foal prior to be entered. This class will use Conformation entries of each horse to judge the overall quality of the breeding program presented. Class A will be for entries using all Main Book Registered (#, I, E) horses and Class B will allow a mix of horses including Main Book (#, I, E,), Heritage (H), and Approved Cross (AC) with the caveat that at least one horse in the line-up is Registered in the Main Book (#, I, E). Non-breeding horses and geldings are not permitted for this class, nor are deceased horses. This class is for a breeding program, meaning that horses submitted must belong to an umbrella farm. This means horses belonging to a parent and child, spouses, or established business partners operating under the same farm name may enter horses together. Like with all classes, leased horses may be entered so long as appropriate lease paperwork has been submitted and the leased horse has permissions to be bred.

The English and Western classes are for Main Book registered horses of any sex of the following designations: E, #, N,and I. The Heritage English/Western classes are for Heritage horses and the AC English/Western classes are for Approved Crosses. With 3 entries per category per discpline, we will create a canter class. To do this, simply submit all three gaits when you enter. If there are not enough canter entries in your category, your canter photo will be discarded and you will be placed into the Walk/Trot class. The same horse/rider combo cannot enter Walk/Trot and Walk/Trot/Canter classes, so in the event of a horse/rider combo submitting entries for two W/T/C classes and only one having the entries to run, they will be given the choice to have both entries remain in Walk/Trot or whether to drop the other class to keep their single W/T/C class entry. Horses MUST have passed their 3rd calender birthday to compete in any under saddle classes, January 1st birthdays will not be considered.

Riding classes may be split further into the following categories: Hunter Under Saddle, Suitability for Dressage (Ridden), and Saddleseat for English and Western Pleasure, Ranch Pleasure, and Parade for Western. Be sure to specify which discipline you are competing under when submitting your photos. In the event of a split, you may enter the additional classes. Or you may go ahead and take photos for each discipline and submit them, with the knowledge that if there aren't a minimum of 3 entries for a specific discipline in each category, the class will not run. In the event you do submit for multiple classes for english or western before a class split has been announced, please specify which entry is your default one should the class remain multi discipline. Each Undersaddle category (Main Book, Heritage and Approved Cross) will have a Champion and Reserve judged from all of the 1st Place entries in each category, meaning there will be a Main Book Undersaddle Champion/Reserve, a Heritage Undersaddle Champion/Reserve and an Approved Cross Undersaddle Champion/Reserve. Canter class and division splits will create a larger pool of horses to draw from. If there is only one horse/rider combo in a category, they will have one of their entries picked for Grand and will not receive a Reserve placing by default. If there is only one entry total in a category, there will be NO Grand and Reserve for that category.

Pleasure Driving is available in each division. Entries will follow the same protocol as ridden classes, with a walk and trot entry required. Horses must be shown single, and any style of harness is permitted. Meadowbrook, sulky, vis-a-vis, and other two and four wheeled carts and buggies are permitted. Wagons, hearses, stage coaches, enclosed carriages and the like are not permitted. Horses may show open faced or with blinkers, and can be shown with or without an overcheck or sidecheck. However, an ASHDA driving horse should move like an ASHDA riding horse, so a forced upright headset will be penalized. Handlers should dress appropriately for their chosen driving style, and are permitted to wear helmets without fear of penalty.

Suitability for Ranch and Suitability for Dressage are additions to our In Hand show classes and are open to aged and junior competitors. The horse will be groomed suitably for show or work in their respective discipline (Dressage or Ranch) and they must submit 3 photos: one Conformation-style photo stood up to show their grooming and conformation, one photo walking in hand and one photo trotting in hand- both shot fully from the side. The handler should be on the far side of the horse for the walk and trot photos so that the horse may be fully judged. The horse most representative of what ASHDA is looking for in a dressage or ranch horse down to conformation, movement, and grooming, will win.

Suitability for Harness is a class for 2-4 Year Old entries. Your horse will be photographed ground driving at a walk and trot on a set of long lines. They may wear a bridle and surcingle and/or crupper or a full driving harness. They will be judged against ASHDA's driving standards on their suitability as future driving horses. Photos should be shot fully from the side with the entire horse visible. Entries may not cross over into Pleasure Driving and may not use any illegal bitting rigs or training aids, the same as ridden entries.

Any draft or draft-cross entries are welcome to show in full draft show-style mane/tail rolls, foils or rosettes regardless of class (except the Suitability for Dressage and Ranch in hand classes), including any ridden discipline. Avian feather decoration or flowers are not permitted except in costume classes. Light horse entries should be groomed as befits their breed type and discipline.

Approved Crosses will be presented as the breed or combination of breeds that they are, however conformation, gaits and riding styles will be judged by ASHDA's standards. This means a percheron presented with hitch-type gaits in liberty will not place as well as one that moves more like a working riding horse. Downhill movement under saddle and horses noticeably behind the vertical WILL be penalized, regardless of breed or type of discipline.

Training aids in ANY class are not permitted. This includes any martingales, draw reins, tie downs or other leverage devices. A double bridle set up is permissible in both English divisions (weymouth/bridoon) and Western ones (curb or snaffle and bosal or bosalito) if it is acceptable for the discipline. Halters under bridles are not permissible for any discipline.

Gag bits of any kind are not permitted in any class under any circumstances. The same goes for bits with Segunda or any variation of Twisted Wire mouthpieces. For now, ASHDA is working on the honor system, however if proof that you are using illegal equipment is found, you will be suspended from ASHDA and all your entries for this show disqualified, even those that fall within the rules.

In any single class, the horse and exhibitor must be wearing the same grooming, clothing and equipment in every shot. This means if a horse is wearing a snaffle bridle in his conformation class, he must wear it in all photos for that class. He cannot have 3 photos wearing the bridle and one in a halter. There cannot be photos with differing clip jobs, braids, etc. Likewise in ridden classes, all photos must have the same equipment. Tack, grooming, and clothing may change between classes, but all photos submitted for one specific class must match.

This show's first fun class is Costume. You may submit up to 5 photos showing your ASHDA horse and handler decked out in costume. Please refrain from wearing racially insensitive costumes or costumes from cultures you are not a part of (such as native american dress or arabian costume). Please also make sure your costumes are kid-friendly (no excessive gore or incredibly revealing outfits). A title for the costume can be submitted along with your entry. One entry per horse/rider combo. Junior entries may be submitted for each category as well, so long as the horse is NOT being ridden or driven in the entry photos. Three Junior entries in any division will split out a Junior Costume class.

This show's second fun class is Sugarbushes at Work. Show us up to 5 photos of your ASHDA registered horse performing their non-competitive day job(s). Things such as moving cattle, lessons, ponying at the track, therapy, logging and more qualify! There will be a Main Book and a Heritage division for this class. Horses under 3 years of age by calendar birthday are not permitted to enter. As this class is to showcase the breed's ability to work, there will be no Approved Cross division.

Horses will be judged on actual birth dates, not January 1st birthdays in regards to ridden and driving classes. For conformation and liberty, use the following guide:

Stallions, Mares, Non-Breeding, Heritage and Approved Cross main classes: Born in 2020 or prior.
All Junior Suitability Classes: Born in Year 2022-2024.
Non-breeding and Heritage classes may not initially have age splits.
Horses of any 3 and up age may compete in any ridden discipline in a discpline-appropriate snaffle bit or bitless bridle. This means aged western horses may show in ASHDA legal snaffles or bosals, aged saddleseat horses may show in an ASHDA legal snaffle or bitless bridle, aged dressage horses may show in an ASHDA legal bitless bridle, etc. Double check that your equipment is legal if you are unsure, not all bitless bridles or snaffles are legal under ASHDA show rules.

End date for the National Show is set for November 15th, 2024. NO extensions are planned at this time.

Entry fees are $15 per class and must be submitted by November 15th, 2024. No refunds will be given. A separate postage fee of $1 per class is required to help cover shipping of your prizes, unless you are able to pick up your prizes from ASHDA HQ in Virginia.

Rules for the show are standard with all ASHDA Sanctioned competitions. Entries with ASHDA illegal equipment will be disqualified and no refunds will be given.

You must be a current ASHDA member to compete or exhibit a horse. A membership form and fees may be submitted with the show entries and will be deemed valid. All competitors pictured must be current ASHDA members in good standing.

Horses must have completed registration to compete, and may be E, H, I, # or N designation, or Approved with an AC Designation.

Helmets are required for all under saddle or driving exhibitors under the age of 18, including entries for Costume, Leadline, and the Sugarbushes at Work class. Helmets are strongly encouraged for all exhibitors regardless of age and will not be marked down regardless of discipline.

You may enter as many horses as you like in each class. However the same horse/rider combo cannot compete in the same class more than once. Riders may compete separate horses in the same class. The same horse may not enter a class twice with different riders/handlers.

Overall Ribbons will be awarded 1st-10th and will be calculated based on the placing of four judges. The judges' decision is Final

Do not watermark photos! Photos will be presented to the judges with NO identifying marks on them and each entry will be assigned a letter. You may submit one watermarked version of a photo from each class, along with your unwatermarked entries, to be displayed on the placings page. Otherwise, should you place, a staff member will choose a photo from your entries to be displayed next to your placing when the time comes to announce show results.

Edited photos will be disqualified and entry fees will not be refunded. If you are using someone else to shoot your photos, please make sure they know not to edit photos beyond resizing!

For conformation and liberty classes, horses will be submitted to the judge with the entry number or letter they have been assigned as well as their month/year age and sex. For example, an older gelding competing in Non-Breeding conformation would be submitted to the judge as Entry X, Gelding Born 2/1999. This will help the judge accurately access the horse's conformation for their age, as some faults acceptable on a youngster are not acceptable on an aged horse. Horses will also be noted whether they are Solid, or LP, in the event a tiebreaker is needed, as the horse with LP would be considered closer to the breed standard.

This show (or any other virtual show) will not count towards ASHDA-CAP year end awards, as that is for live shows only.

You may NOT submit any photos previously submitted in an ASHDA photo show. Just like a live show, you must present your horse as they are now. Entries of photos submitted in previous ASHDA shows will not be accepted. Deceased horses may not be entered except for Get of Sire/Produce of Dam, and with the exception of Get of Sire and Produce of Dam, you may not enter a horse you do not currently own or have a lease filed with ASHDA for.

Judges: TBA

Please see a break-down of class requirements at the bottom of the class list! If any splits happen, they will be added underneath their parent class such as: "3B. Conformation Non-Breeding Geldings".

Class List:

Main Book:
1. 2024 Fillies Conformation
2. 2024 Colts Conformation
3. 2023 Fillies Conformation
4. 2023 Colts Conformation
5. 2022 Fillies Conformation
6. 2022 Colts Conformation
7. 2021 Fillies Conformation
8. 2021 Colts Conformation
9. Mares Conformation
    9a. Main Book Mares Conformation
    9b. Improvement Mares Conformation
    9c. Founding Line Mares Conformation
10. Stallions Conformation
    10a. Main Book Stallions Conformation
    10b. Improvement Stallions Conformation
    10c. Founding Line Stallions Conformation
11. Non-breeding Conformation
    11a. Jr Non-breeding Conformation
    11b. Non-breeding Mares Conformation
    11c. Geldings Conformation
12. 2024 Fillies at Liberty
13. 2024 Colts at Liberty
14. 2023 Fillies at Liberty
15. 2023 Colts at Liberty 
16. 2022 Fillies at Liberty
17. 2022 Colts at Liberty
18. 2021 Fillies at Liberty
19. 2021 Colts at Liberty
20. Mares At Liberty
    20a. Main Book Mares at Liberty
    20b. Improvement Mares at Liberty
    20c. Founding Line Mares at Liberty
21. Stallions At Liberty
    21a. Main Book Stallions at Liberty
    21b. Improvement Stallions at Liberty
    2qc. Founding Line Stallions at Liberty
22. Non-Breeding At Liberty
    22a. Jr Non-breeding at Liberty
    22b. Non-breeding Mares at Liberty
    22c. Geldings at Liberty
23. Suitability for Dressage
    23a. Mares SfD
    23b. Stallions SfD
    23c. Non-breeding SfD (incl Jr)
24. Suitability for Dressage Junior (2022-2024)
    24a. Fillies SfD
    24b. Colts SfD
25. Suitability for Ranch
    25a. Mares SfR
    25b. Stallions SfR
    25c. Non-breeding SfR (incl Jr)
26. Suitability for Ranch Junior (2022-2024)
    26a. Fillies SfR
    26b. Colts SfR
27. Suitability for Harness
    27a. Mares SfH
    27b. Stallions SfH
    27c. Non-breeding SfH (incl Jr)
28. Suitability for Harness Junior (2022-2023)
    28a. Fillies SfH
    28b. Colts SfH
29. Western Pleasure Walk/Jog
30. Ranch Pleasure Walk/Jog
31. Hunter Under Saddle Walk/Trot
32. Dressage Materiale Walk/Trot
33. Pleasure Driving
34. Leadline
35. Costume
36. Work Class
37. Get of Sire
38. Produce of Dam
38. Breeding Program Main Book
40. Heritage Conformation
     40a. Heritage Mares Conformation
     40b. Heritage Stallions Conformation
     40c. Heritage Geldings Conformation (incl Jr)
41. Heritage Junior Conformation (2022-2024)
    41a. Heritage Fillies Conformation
    41b. Heritage Colts Conformation
42. Heritage At Liberty
     42a. Heritage Mares at Liberty
     42b. Heritage Stallions at Liberty
     42c. Heritage Geldings at Liberty (incl Jr)
43. Heritage Junior at Liberty (2022-2024)
     43a. Heritage Fillies at Liberty
     43b. Heritage Colts at Liberty
44. Heritage Suitability For Dressage
     44a. Heritage Mares SfD
     44b. Heritage Stallions SfD
     44c. Heritage Geldings SfD (incl Jr)
45. Heritage Suitability for Dressage Junior (2022-2024)
      45a. Heritage Fillies SfD
      45b. Heritage Colts SfD
46. Heritage Suitability for Ranch
      46a. Heritage Mares SfR
      46b. Heritage Stallions SfR
      46c. Heritage Geldings SfR (incl Jr)
47. Heritage Suitability for Ranch Junior (2022-2024)
      47a. Heritage Fillies SfR
      47b. Heritage Colts SfR
48. Heritage Suitability for Harness
      48a. Heritage Mares SfH
      48b. Heritage Stallions SfH
      48c. Heritage Geldings SfH (incl Jr)
49. Heritage Suitability for Harness Junior (2022-2023)
      49a. Heritage Fillies SfH
      49b. Heritage Colts SfH
50. Heritage Western Pleasure Walk/Jog
51. Heritage Ranch Pleasure Walk/Jog
52. Heritage Hunter Under Saddle Walk/Trot
53. Heritage Dressage Materiale Walk/Trot
54. Heritage Pleasure Driving
55. Heritage Leadline
56. Heritage Costume
57. Heritage Work Class
58. Heritage Get of Sire
59. Heritage Produce of Dam
60. Breeding Program Mixed Book
Approved Cross:
61. Approved Cross Light Conformation
    61a. AC Light Conformation Dams
    61b. AC Light Conformation Sires
62. Approved Cross Draft Conformation
    62a. AC Draft Conformation Dams
    62b. AC Draft Conformation Sires
63. Approved Cross Light at Liberty
    63a. AC Light Dams at Liberty
    63b. AC Light Sires at Liberty
64. Approved Cross Draft at Liberty
    64a. AC Light Dams at Liberty
    64b. AC Light Sires at Liberty
65. Approved Cross Suitability for Dressage 
    65a. AC Light Dams SfD
    65b. AC Light Sires SfD
    65c. AC Draft Dams SfD
    65d. AC Draft Sires SfD
66. Approved Cross Suitability for Ranch
    66a. AC Light Dams SfR
    66b. AC Light Sires SfR
    66c. AC Draft Dams SfR
    66d. AC Draft Sires SfR
67. Approved Cross Suitability for Harness
    67a. AC Light Dams SfH
    67b. AC Light Sires SfH
    67c. AC Draft Dams SfH
    67d. AC Draft Sires SfH
68. Approved Cross Western Pleasure Walk/Jog
69. Approved Cross Ranch Pleasure Walk/Jog
70. Approved Cross Hunter Under Saddle Walk/Trot
71. Approved Cross Dressage Materiale Walk/Trot
72. Approved Cross Pleasure Driving
73. Approved Cross Leadline
74. Approved Cross Costume
75. Approved Cross Get of Sire
76. Approved Cross Produce of Dam

3 year Old class requirements:
MAIN BOOK (E, #) 3 Year Old mares and stallions will show in their own Conformation and Liberty classes in the 2021 divisions. They may NOT dual enter into Mares and Stallions Conformation and Liberty. In all other classes, they will enter as usual.

CLASS SPLITS: Classes will be split into a, b, c etc upon enough entries (3) to run the class. Splits will be announced as soon as they are qualified for. For the Main Book Conformation and Liberty classes, splits will be between Main Book and Improvement first, followed by a split of Main Book to Main Book and Founding Line. When you sign up, you will use the SPLIT class number and letter that your entry qualifies for, and if there are not enough entries to split a class, the main class will run with no splits. If a class has all entries which would qualify for a split category, but no actual splits occur (for example, all Mares Conformation entries are Improvement Mares), a class may be renamed to acknowledge that after entries close.

With at least 2 committed entries per individual class that can prove they have the qualifying tack and wardrobe, we will also add the following classes in each book:

Saddleseat Walk/Trot Western Parade Walk/Trot

Class Requirements and Guidelines

Conformation Conformation is our in-hand division. Submit 4 photos of your horse, one from each side, the front and the back. Make sure the entire horse is in the photo, no cut off ears/hooves/etc, do not have your horse standing in deep grass or snow, make sure as much of the hoof is visible as possible. Horses may not be wearing any tack or leg wraps except a halter (or bridle for English presentation) suiting their discipline. Handlers do not have to be present in the photo, but if they are, should dress to match their horse(s). Lip Chains/Cords and chains through the mouth are not permitted under any circumstances. Chains under the chin, over the nose, or run through the bottom ring of the halter and clipped back onto themselves are permitted. Banding, braiding and clipping is not required to match your discipline, but it may give you a competitive edge if placing comes down to it. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are standing level. No 3/4 angles or movement shots will be permitted, all shots must be standing and shot straight on for the side required. If your horse's tail completely covers their hind legs from view, you may submit a 5th photo with the tail held out of the way or pinned up to clearly show conformation. If a part of your horse is obscured, it may effect judging negatively. Anything that has to be assumed will be assumed worse instead of better!

Liberty Liberty is our movement division. Submit 3 photos of your horse. They must be shown at the walk, trot and canter. Make sure the entire horse is in the photo, no cut off ears/hooves/etc, do not have your horse moving in deep grass or snow, make sure as much of the hoof is visible as possible. Horses may not be wearing any tack or leg wraps except a halter or reinless snaffle bridle suiting their discipline. Banding, braiding and clipping is not required to match your discipline, but it may give you a competitive edge if placing comes down to it. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horse may be moving in either direction for any photo. Bucking/rearing photos are not permitted. Horses may not be on a leadrope or lunge line or otherwise led by a handler.
Get of Sire Submit three Conformation entries of three separate ASHDA registered horses which share the same sire. N-designation horses are not permitted. You must own the Sire you are submitting for, but do not need to own the offspring. Entries can be any age, color, or gender, and can be registered E, #, I, or H. The class entered is based on the registry designation of the Sire, not his offspring. A Main Book (E/#/I) Stallion would have his get entered in Main Book Get of Sire, a Heritage Stallion in Heritage Get of Sire, and an Approved Stallion in AC Get of Sire. The group which overall best represents the breed standard will win. Select your entries carefully! One excellent offspring and two so-so ones will place lower than three good ones. Each offspring may only be entered into the Get of Sire or Produce of Dam classes ONCE, so be sure to plan out your entries carefully, as a horse may not enter under both their Sire and their Dam!

Produce of Dam Submit two Conformation entries of two separate ASHDA registered horses which share the same dam. N-designation horses are not permitted. You must own the Dam you are submitting for, but do not need to own the offspring. Entries can be any age, color, or gender, and can be registered E, #, I, or H. The class entered is based on the registry designation of the Dam, not her offspring. A Main Book (E/#/I) Mare would have her produce entered in Main Book Produce of Dam, a Heritage Mare in Heritage Produce of Dam, and an Approved Mare in AC Produce of Dam. The group which overall best represents the breed standard will win. Select your entries carefully! One excellent offspring and one so-so one will place lower than two good ones. Each offspring may only be entered into the Get of Sire or Produce of Dam classes ONCE, so be sure to plan out your entries carefully, as a horse may not enter under both their Sire and their Dam!

Breeding Program Submit four Conformation entries of four separate ASHDA registered horses which make up an ASHDA Breeding Program. N-designation horses are not permitted. All horses must be owned by the same farm or breeding program or have a breeding lease filed with ASHDA. Entries can be any age from 2 Years (actual birthdate) or color. You will enter one stallion and three mares. Class A will be for a group of all Main Book (E, I, #) horses and Class B will be for groups including Heritage (H) and Approved Cross (AC) entrants provided at least one horse entered is registered in the Main Book (E, I, #) The group which overall best represents the breed standard in each class will win.

Undersaddle Classes We have four Undersaddle classes: Western Pleasure, Ranch Pleasure, Dressage Materiale, and Hunter Under Saddle. All four classes have the same photography requirements. Make sure the entire horse and rider are in the photo, no cut off ears/hooves/heads/etc (partial tails cut off is allowable), do not have your horse riding in deep grass or snow, make sure as much of the hoof is visible as possible. Braiding and clipping is not required to match your discipline, but it may give you a competitive edge if placing comes down to it. Riders must be dressed to match in at least a semi-formal version of their discipline's required fashion. Jackets/Blazers not required in Dressage Materiale and Hunter Under Saddle, but permitted. Polo shirts are acceptable for Hunter and short or long sleeved button downs are acceptable for both Hunter and Dressage. Western riders should wear a long sleeved shirt with cuffs and a collar, jeans with chaps and western boots with a helmet or cowboy hat. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are moving on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horses must be moving in the same direction for all gaits. Submit one photo for each gait. Make sure your tack is not illegal per our show rules, entries submitted with illegal equipment will not be refunded and will be disqualified from competition. Horses of any age may be shown in a snaffle or english-style bitless bridle suitable for their discipline for Hunter or Dressage or may be shown in a bosal or western snaffle bridle in western. Make sure you double check whether your horse is shown at the appropriate gaits in each photo. Horses ridden behind the vertical WILL be penalized. Ideally, an ASHDA horse will be presented on the vertical or slightly ahead of it, however the entire carriage of the horse will be judged and hollowed backs, choppy movement, and bad equitation will be marked down.

Pleasure Driving Our first driving class! Make sure the entire horse, driver, and cart are in the photo, no cut off ears/hooves/heads/etc. Do not have your horse riding in deep grass or snow, make sure as much of the hoof is visible as possible. Any style of harness is permitted (breastcollar, comfort fit, collar, quick hitch etc) and two or four wheeled sulkies, meadowbrooks, marathon carts, vis-a-vis, buggies etc are permitted. Buckboard wagons, stagecoaches, enclosed carriages, hearses, forecarts, chariots etc are not. Braiding and clipping is not required to match your discipline, but it may give you a competitive edge if placing comes down to it. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are moving on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horses must be moving in the same direction for all gaits. Submit one photo for each gait. Make sure your tack is not illegal per our show rules, entries submitted with illegal equipment will not be refunded and will be disqualified from competition. Horses of any age may be shown in a snaffle. Horses may drive open faced or with blinkers. Overchecks and side checks are permitted, but forced headsets will be severely penalized. Make sure you double check whether your horse is shown at the appropriate gaits in each photo. Horses driven behind the vertical WILL be penalized. Ideally, an ASHDA horse will be presented on the vertical or slightly ahead of it, however the entire carriage of the horse will be judged and hollowed backs, choppy movement, and forced headset will be marked down.

Suitability for Ranch Suitability for Ranch will judge your horse on how well presented as a potential ranch horse they are. You will submit one Conformation side shot and two In-Hand movement photos for this class, one at the walk and one at the trot with the handler on the far side of the horse. Your horse should be groomed as is fitting a working Ranch horse. They should have a natural tail and a natural or roached mane (bridle paths permitted). They should be presented in a leather halter (plain or silver). Handlers should be dressed appropriately for western performance halter. A button down western shirt, jeans, boots. Vests and hats are permitted but not required. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are moving on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horses must be moving in the same direction for all gaits. Submit one photo for each gait. Make sure your tack is not illegal per our show rules, entries submitted with illegal equipment will not be refunded and will be disqualified from competition.

Suitability for Dressage Suitability for Dressage will judge your horse on how well presented as a potential ranch horse they are. You will submit one Conformation side shot and two In-Hand movement photos for this class, one at the walk and one at the trot with the handler on the far side of the horse. Your horse should be groomed as is fitting a showing Dressage horse. They should have a natural or banged tail and manes may be natural, roached, or braided in an acceptable style (french braid, rosettes, etc). They should be presented in a leather halter or leather english bridle with an ASHDA-legal snaffle bit with a plain cavesson and no dropped nosebands. Handlers should be dressed appropriately for english presentation. A solid color button down shirt or polo, breeches/Jodphurs and tall boots or paddock boots. Helmets and english coats are permitted by not required. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are moving on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horses must be moving in the same direction for all gaits. Submit one photo for each gait. Make sure your tack is not illegal per our show rules, entries submitted with illegal equipment will not be refunded and will be disqualified from competition.

Suitability for Harness Suitability for Harness will judge your horse on how well presented as a potential driving horse they are. This is for young ASHDA horses aged 2-4. You will submit two ground driven movement photos for this class, one at the walk and one at the trot with the handler driving from the ground. Horses may wear full harness or a bridle/surcingle. Open faced or blinker bridles are permitted and horses should be driven in an ASHDA-legal snaffle bit. Regardless, make sure your horses are clean, backgrounds are free of clutter/other horses and horses are moving on level ground. No 3/4 angles or front/back shots will be permitted, all shots must be shot from the side and the horses must be moving in the same direction for all gaits. Submit one photo for each gait. Make sure your tack is not illegal per our show rules, entries submitted with illegal equipment will not be refunded and will be disqualified from competition.

Leadline Leadline is a class for youth riders and a handler. Horses and riders may be presented in any discipline, with matching appropriate tack and attire. The handler should dress to match the discipline as well. Riders should be in appropriately-sized saddles with feet in the stirrups, and should be sitting up and holding the reins. A halter shall be OVER the bridle, with the lead in the hand of the handler. Leadline entrants should be shown at the walk and trot in the style of our undersaddle entries, with the handler on the far side of the horse from the photographer. Any riders under 18 must be wearing a helmet. This class will have its own special ribbons.

Costume Time to play dress up! Show off your imagination by dressing up your horse (and yourself) in costume attire! Make sure your outfits are not racially insensitive or from a culture you are not a part of (such as native american dress or arabian costume). Costumes must be kid-friendly and not contain excessive gore or overly revealing elements. Submit a title for your costume, and a reference picture if needed if you're showing off your cosplay skills. Costume entries may be ridden or in hand. Any riders under 18 must be wearing a helmet.

Sugarbushes At Work Our second fun class to show appreciation for our working ASHDA horses! This is a bit of a wild card class, meant to showcase the many versatile abilities of the ASHDA horse. Show off what your Harlequins can do! Whether they pull a plow, pony race horses or are the trustworthy rock of your therapy program, we want to see! Each entry may submit up to 5 photos showing their ASHDA horse performing their various tasks. Note: Showing and breeding will not be accepted for this, as this class is for showcasing a horse's ability to complete the tasks asked of them.

Entries may be submitted via email to and payment submitted by paypal to Please submit your entries like so for each class entry:

Class: 1A Conformation Stallions
Horse: Thunder
Exhibitor: John Smith
Owner: Jane Smith

You MUST include your class list with all entries typed out or your entries will be discarded.

For fun classes, also include a title for your entries.

Entries submitted via DropBox or OneDrive will not be accepted. Entries submitted via Google Drive are permitted so long as they are clearly labelled. Email attachment entries are greatly preferred. Entries may also be mailed in on a thumbdrive or disc, just make sure a class list is included.

Overall Ribbons will be awarded 1st-10th, and small ribbons will be awarded per individual judge 1st-10th. Overall placings will determine the NATIONAL and RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION for each class.

Several High-Point Awards will also be awarded.

Each of the Main Book, Heritage Book, and Approved Cross Books will Award:

Versatility National Champion & Res National Champion:

Awarded to the two highest pointed horses which completes the following classes at minimum - Conformation, Liberty, Two (2) Riding Classes, One (1) Suitability Class, and Two (2) of the following classes: Pleasure Driving, Costume, Working Class, Get of Sire, Produce of Dam. Horses born in the year 2022 or later are ineligible for this award as they are not permitted in undersaddle classes.

Homegrown National Champion and Reserve National Champion:

Awarded to the two highest pointed horses which are being entered and exhibited by their breeder, who is also their listed owner or co-owner. Only classes where the horse is exhibited by this person will count towards this award.

Stonewall Stud Book Champion (Sponsored by Access Adventure):

Awarded to the highest pointed horse overall that is dual registered with the Stonewall Stud Book. This will be one award drawn from all three pools only which SSB papered horses will qualify for.

For the MAIN BOOK and HERITAGE categories:

The Everett Smith Award: Awarded to the highest pointed stallion which descends from the original Sugarbush Hitch Company lines.

The Shirley Smith Award: Awarded to the highest pointed mare which descends from the original Sugarbush Hitch Company lines.

The Lil Rascal (Sponsored by Trinity Appaloosa Farm): Given to the highest pointed JUNIOR (2022-2024) horse which descends from ASHDA Hall of Famer, STONEWALL RASCAL.

If you have questions or need a clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the ASHDA staff at we absolutely want everyone to enter and have a chance to win, and we want to help make your ASHDA show experience a great one!